Education Sector Unions Launch Legal Challenge to Bill 115
RT @etfonews: #ETFO MEDIA ADVISORY - Education Sector Unions Launch Legal Challenge to Bill 115 - Oct 11 1 pm Univ. Ave http://t.co/60ji9FUy
yfrog Photo : http://twitter.yfrog.com/ocf8gfp Shared by dougpete
@acampbell99 Difference in readability between app and app-in-browser. http://t.co/Ilj9DcTD
RT @alltop_social: Lance Armstrong’s Ex-Teammate Doped and Named Names http://t.co/bOZs5sh4 Social-Media.alltop
TweetDeck cleans up its act with design overhaul | Digital Trends
RT @alltop_social: TweetDeck cleans up its act with design overhaul http://t.co/sIKNDVy1 Social-Media.alltop
Ulearn12 'A Picture Tells...' - Google Docs
Ulearn 12 "A Picture Tells..."
Lights, Camera, ACTION!...Creating a Compelling e-Learning Experience
"Normally, coming up with the title for blog entries is the last (and most annoying) part of my role as a blogger. Uncharacteristically, this week I was pondering what topics to address, which led me to this title, which in turn has given structure to a two-fold message I’d like to share."
"Connect your personal cloud & securely access all your documents, photos, music and videos from many services all under one virtual roof. Drag & Drop any content from one service to another. Search & discover everything in your cloud content across different services. Securely share any content of any size instantly with anyone. ZeroPC is available on Web, iOS & Android."
Walking the Web: Oh, Those Darn Portals
"If you spend enough time reading articles or watching interviews with the folks behind the major sites in the Web’s history (most of which lines data ghost towns), you realize that one phrase keeps popping up in the mouths of the site leaders, and often, it spells the beginning of the end of the site. (Are you there, Friendster? AOL? Yahoo? MySpace? And will you survive, Facebook?) The boys in my comic — Walking the Web — notice it, too."
Digital Citizenship (with tweets) · theavanos · Storify
"First PLANE [Professional Learning Anywhere (Anytime) Network for Educators] Twup - Twitter Chat on the topic "Is digital citizenship high enough in school priorities?""
Quickly Create Interactive Text Activities with Textivate
"Textivate is a simple web tool which allows users to automatically generate a range of interactive browser-based activities based on any text of up to 500 words."
Download More Than 20 Free Pagination PSD Files | designrfix.com
"Free PSD files can be very useful and save you lots of time with your design projects. In this post I have assembled an amazing collection of well designed pagination buttons from around the web. Please feel free to download them and use them on your blog or website. I am confident that you will find one of these free pagination buttons to fit your every design needs. Enjoy!"
iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » Piktochart: Create your own infographics
"Piktochart is a great web app that makes it easy to create your own infographics. "
Who’s Afraid of Principals? « Sharing Our Blessings
"“Do you know, there are kids who are afraid of principals?” I asked with a smile, turning to the first grade teacher who sat with me and a nervous six year old. We had just finished reassuring this child that we had spoken to him about his behavior on the bus the day before, not because we were angry, but because we were concerned about his safety. We knew from his mother that he was indeed afraid of principals, so afraid that he convinced his younger sister that she should be terrified of her gentle and caring nursery school director."
"As an educator, I wear many hats. In addition to my interest in mobile learning, I’m also very passionate about connecting classrooms globally via technology. It’s essential that our students grow up with opportunities to understand the complex and ever-changing world in which they live if we expect them as adults to address the challenging problems facing our planet. To learn more about developing global competency in children, check out the free ebook, Asia Society’s Educating for Global Competence: Preparing Our Youth to Engage the World, by Veronica Boix Mansilla and Anthony Jackson."
Microsoft's New Gadget Lets You Control Any Device With A Mid-Air Gesture
"Sure, the Kinect can recognize gestures your full body makes. But wouldn't it be nice to get the finer details of hands and fingers reflected accurately on-screen? And better yet, wouldn't it be grand not to have to stand in the exact two square feet of living room that the Kinect can pick you up in?"
As usual, it’s OK if you’re Apple | Ed Bott
"The World’s Most Predictable Tech Pundit, MG Siegler, notes that Microsoft has issued a major update (170 MB in size) to Windows 8. That update is being delivered 69 days after the release of Windows 8 to manufacturing and 17 days before its release to the general public."
"The Art of the Infographics"
Should you build a mobile app or mobile website? [Infographic] | Socialmedia.biz
"To outline the basics and benefits of a mobile website vs. mobile app, MDG Advertising developed the infographic below. It outlines the options and opportunities behind both mobile methods, along with the facts and figures regarding reach and response to help companies make the right move to mobile."
JESS3 - Blog / Visual Storytelling with Data
"Running up to their big Storytelling Lab Day this October, Ogilvy London asked some of its key partners to come in and talk about the many different aspects of storytelling week-by-week in the form of a Lab Lunch. This past week JESS3’s information design director, Tiffany, presented to the Ogilvy team all about visual storytelling with data."
Codecademy Now A Part Of NYU’s Curriculum | Edudemic
"The integration of digital learning with brick and mortar schools continues. Codecademy and New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development are now officially partnering on an exciting venture."
Why I Gave Up Flipped Instruction
A little over a year ago I wrote a post about the flipped classroom, why I loved it, and how I used it. I have to admit, the flip wasn’t the same economic and political entity then that it is now. And in some ways, I think that matters.
Pinterest for Android Makes it Easier to Pin and Discover Content
"Pinterest for Android blows up taller images, makes it easier to pin and discover content"
If Your Blog was a Book… Would Anyone Read It?
"Today I have an interesting question for all of the blog owners out there. It might seem like a silly question, but after we go through some of the different factors that make a book a success, you might not have the same answer you were originally thinking. So my question for you is… If Your Blog was a Book… Would Anyone Read It?"
5 More Reasons Why All Students Should Be Bloggers : @ProBlogger
"Guest blogger Michael White has already written an excellent article on student blogging, looking at the career benefits of blogging for students. He’s covered that area better than I could have (I’m still at university), but here I want to look at the fantastic potential of blogging right from the start of your course, and how it can help you with your studies."
10 Blogging Mistakes That Make Your Blog Look Unprofessional
"I see these blogging mistakes every day. If your blog has the same mistakes, take action and resolve…now!"
Minds on Math – Learning as a Community | Shannon in Ottawa
"This past Friday was a Professional Development day for staff at Glen Cairn PS — one of few opportunities we have throughout the year to come together for a full day of learning. Because our families play a key role in supporting the learning of our GCPS students, I shared some of the highlights of our PD sessions."
My dog: the paradox - The Oatmeal
@rmbyrne From my daughter - http://t.co/2cPwNnCS
RT @tcea: Free iOS interactive book apps today: Wednesday Is Spaghetti Day http://t.co/0iTE1wvp; Pancake Pandemonium http://t.co/e2rXZK5N
WednesdayIsSpaghetti for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store
RT @tcea: Free iOS interactive book apps today: Wednesday Is Spaghetti Day http://t.co/0iTE1wvp; Pancake Pandemonium http://t.co/e2rXZK5N
Picking the low hanging fruit - http://t.co/fLBtKpnL
Breakfast Sandwich | de•tri•tus
Competing with an artist - http://t.co/MsPtZPYu
Tips for Bloggers « doug – off the record
Just blogged... Tips for Bloggers http://t.co/YipqbK6A
OTR Links 10/10/2012 « doug – off the record
Just blogged... OTR Links 10/10/2012 http://t.co/zX739LSb
OTR Links 01/23/2018 – doug — off the record OTR Links 01/23/2018 https://t.co/nJKZXGIJCa tags: via:packrati.us Sergei Eisenstein - Google Search Sergei Eisenstein https://t.co/AO6acACKzD — Doug Peterson (@dougpete) January 23, 2018 tags: IFTTT Twitter via:packrati.us Ontario minimum wage hike having ‘trickle up’ effect on paycheques of higher earners | Financial Post Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9UShared from my Google feed Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9U Shared from my Google feed — Doug Peterson (@dougpet...