Pinterest Tools - http://t.co/k6ltSSyh
28 Tips for Designing Training Courses: Case Study
28 Tips for Designing Training Courses: Case Study - http://t.co/mfEO3hlA
;-) at Emoticons: The History of Digital Sarcasm ;-) - http://t.co/HrLtplzF
;-) at Emoticons: The History of Digital Sarcasm ;-) - http://t.co/HrLtplzF
Truly Amazing YouTube Tools - LiveBinder
Truly Amazing YouTube Tools - LiveBinder - http://t.co/3YtOXlCi
Why Do We Have To Test? « doug – off the record
Just blogged... Why Do We Have To Test? http://t.co/tYIhx3nG
The AMS Manifesto on the Behance Network
Rules to Live By - The AMS Manifesto on the Behance Network - http://t.co/0RoCIveb
Avoiding problems with social media - SecEd
"Schools cannot ignore social media for any longer, says Susan Hall – but vigilance is the watchword."
Search Inside Gmail Attachments
"Gmail has constantly improved its search technology, but there's something you couldn't do until recently: search inside attachments. Sure, you could find an attachment if you knew the filename or some keywords from the message. If someone sent you a text file or an HTML file, Gmail indexed its content, but Gmail couldn't index PDF files, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations and other popular attachment formats"
"In a BYOD (bring your own device) world, where your mobile learning must work on a wide variety of devices, a big question for designers is “how do you design for that?” In this article, we attempt to help you find some answers to that question"
Computer Science and the Three Rs | October 2012 | Communications of the ACM
"Not long ago, the educational crisis most talked about by computer scientists was the steep decline in the number of undergraduates who picked the field as their major. Today, with those declines in reverse at many U.S. universities, there is a growing recognition—both in the U.S. and internationally—that the real crisis lies not at the college level, but in primary and secondary school."
"I spent a week testing Amazon’s new e-reader, the Kindle Paperwhite, which starts at $119. Our verdict: The front-lit screen improves the reading experience all day long, not just at night, making this a big step up from the Touch. Here are our review and video."
How Classrooms Can Excel Using the Latest Technology and Social Media | Socialnomics
"There are many colleges that demonstrate adaptation and skill in using social successfully to teach students. So what are the benefits of using new technology and social media? Here are three reasons why your classroom should consider the same…"
New & Noteworthy Educational Apps, September 2012
"In May, I decided to re-institute a new monthly feature here, something that I used to write for MindShift: a post highlighting some of the new and updated educational apps that have been released over the past 30 days or so. Clearly this isn’t an exhaustive list of all the new educational apps – just 3 things that I think are pretty interesting (one of which isn't even an "app")."
Why We Need More Conversation And Less Brainstorming
"“Brainstorming is meant to generate lots of ideas for the solution to a problem. As the Papal visit has demonstrated, it is possible to have lots of ideas – and for every one of them to be fatuous” –"
Ping, Apple's misfired social network, bids farewell - chicagotribune.com
"As worldwide attention focuses on Apple's problem-riddled Maps app, another Apple miscue is about to be quietly put to rest. This month, Apple's iTunes music social network -- Ping -- began displaying a sign notifying users that the network was no longer accepting new users and will shut down Sunday."
Technology – Education’s magic bullet? « Adventures in Libraryland
"Before you think that this the beginning of a theme, based on last week’s post, let me assure you, I’m not anti-technology. Having said that, I’m not convinced that what technology brings to education is not 100% positive. I am getting tired of hearing people talk about technology as if it were some kind of magic bullet."
TED-Ed Beta A New Service to Turn Videos into Engaging Lessons
"Probably all of you are familiar with TED, the great video sharing platform. We have recently reviewed several of services teachers can get from TED. One of them is Ted Education. This is basically a YouTube channel that was released just few months ago but it has grown in poplularity to reap thousands of subscribers in such a very short period of time. No wonder the videos they offer there are very educative and are made with such a high touch of professionalism, ideal for classroom inclusion. Check out the top 12 videos on Ted Education to learn more."
These $10 Robots Will Change Robotics Education | Wired Design | Wired.com
"When the African Robotics Network announced their $10 robot design challenge this summer, co-founder Ken Goldberg was careful not to share too many expectations, lest he influence contestants' designs. But he never imagined one of the winning entries would prominently feature a pair of Spanish lollipops."
Infographics news: Titanic infographics. From 1912
"Every single newspaper and news site has produced its new Titanic graphic for the 100th anniversary. But none of them have been so impressing as the one published by 'The Graphic' and other media in 1912. Without Google. Without Illustrator. Without Flash."
Ubuntu Accomplishments 0.3 Released! | jonobacon@home
Ubuntu Accomplishments 0.3 Released! http://t.co/CC1TtXkj via @zite
Google Field Trip: free local tour guide app for Android
Google's new Field Trip app puts an Android-powered tour guide in every pocket [video] http://t.co/WOYdl5jg via @zite
OTR Links 10/01/2012 « doug – off the record
Just blogged... OTR Links 10/01/2012 http://t.co/1s7R67UZ
OTR Links 01/23/2018 – doug — off the record OTR Links 01/23/2018 https://t.co/nJKZXGIJCa tags: via:packrati.us Sergei Eisenstein - Google Search Sergei Eisenstein https://t.co/AO6acACKzD — Doug Peterson (@dougpete) January 23, 2018 tags: IFTTT Twitter via:packrati.us Ontario minimum wage hike having ‘trickle up’ effect on paycheques of higher earners | Financial Post Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9UShared from my Google feed Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9U Shared from my Google feed — Doug Peterson (@dougpet...