Instant Isaac 57 « J2LCOMICS - http://t.co/T5o2mxbm via Shareaholic
What You Won't Hear in the Presidential Debates: Five Crucial Education Fixes | Education on GOOD
GOOD: What You Won't Hear in the Presidential Debates: Five Crucial Education Fixes http://t.co/J8H7rySo
MTMS: October 2012, Volume 18, Issue 3
RT @nctm: The October edition of Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School is now available: http://t.co/islLQcMg Follow @MTMS_at_NCTM
Code Monster teaches kids to crunch Javascript, builds appetite for programming - GeekWire
"But when he initially looked around for something helpful online, all he could find “was either tutorials designed for adults that overwhelm younger learners with their boring syntax and complexity, or games that didn’t teach an actual, valuable programming language.” So he came up with a solution: Code Monster from Crunchzilla. It’s a free site, designed for kids ages 9-14, that blends elements of a game and tutorial to teach basic Javascript skills."
Google Apps Users Can Now Get 24/7 Phone Support For Chrome | TechCrunch
"Google just announced that Google Apps for Business, Education and Government customers can now call and email the company with their questions about Chrome."
Home 3D Printing Is Killing The Manufacturing Industry | TechCrunch
"If you’ve followed the news, a collective of hackers recently rented a 3D printer to build a real, working gun. The group, Defense Distributed, began the project but once the renter, Stratasys, discovered what they were building, they took the printer back."
What Behavior Will Get You Into Trouble On Twitter
"Let’s talk specifically about Twitter. Unless you’ve taken the exact steps necessary to make your Twitter account private, then anyone in the world can read your tweets–provided they have the means of doing so."
A New Version of Nearpod is Here! | Nearpod
"After much anticipation, the new, more powerful version of Nearpod has been released! Enjoy a cleaner design, new and improved features, as well as a friendlier Nearpod experience!"
How Technology Is Powering Academic Success [Infographic] | EdTech Magazine
"Device ownership continues to grow, but how are college students using that technology?"
How Google Drive Makes It Easier To Teach Writing
"Making my students switch from MS Word to Google Drive not only eliminated the headache of incompatible versions and big email attachments. It's made them better writers."
Quick Guide to Gamification » Online Universities
"Game-based Learning (GBL) or gamification is one of the hottest topics in education because of the potential for learning that play has for students. The basic idea is that traditional classroom experiences can be enhanced or even replaced by learning that is fun, engaging, and more effective. This all happens when learners play games, particularly educational video games that help them learn content while being deeply invested in the process. Learning becomes something students want to do, rather than something they have to do."
Meet The Ubuntu Women - They're More Involved Than You Think
"From its humble beginnings in 2006, the Ubuntu Women mission has been clear - to encourage women to use and contribute to Ubuntu. The organization is not political, so you'll find no mentions of feminism or the like, but rather a safe place where women, curious about the Ubuntu developer community, can come and ask questions without fear of intimidation or condescension."
"Apple has been taking lots of justified heat for its decision to replace Google Maps on the iPhone with a fledgling, and flawed, maps app of its own. In my otherwise favorable review of the new iPhone 5, I called Apple’s maps app “the biggest drawback” on the device and “a step backward from the familiar Google app.”"
Who Uses the Internet Best? [Infographic]
"So who uses the Internet connectivity best? Here is an infographic on which country uses the Internet best. This chart is prepared by Online Education Database (OEDb) and states that Sweden has the best Internet penetration across the world."
10 Ways You Can Use Social Media for Self-Education
"You probably think that social networks are for fun only. Sure, you can spend hours commenting on friend’ photos or participating in FB discussions. Social networks are definitely fun. They were initially created as sites to have fun and get together with people. However, this socialization soon impacted all spheres of human life, including business and education. Today, social media are used everywhere. This is a huge business these days, so social media strategies can boost business performance and help gain knowledge."
What Students Can Actually DO With An iPad
"So last week, in preparing for the New England Reading Association Conference and the NYSCATE Mobile Learning Summit, I decided to change my approach. Rather than structure my presentations by tool, or by app, or even by project, I organized myself around desired student outcomes – aka. what students can actually do."
Project Based Learning - giving it a go in an English Classroom | Lucacept - intercepting the Web
Project Based Learning - giving it a go in an English Classroom http://t.co/vtvZIc07 via @zite
How (And Why) You Should Become A School Principal
How (And Why) You Should Become A School Principal http://t.co/EkCbp95z via @zite
10 Technology YouTube Channels You Can't Miss
10 Technology YouTube Channels You Can't Miss http://t.co/zRObFgdr via @zite
Center for Games & Impact http://t.co/C1yzOQRw via @zite
Create Fun Avatars with FaceYourManga
Create fun avatars with FaceYourManga http://t.co/JXPd1d0q via @zite
Back to School Guide | Common Sense Media
Back to School Guide http://t.co/KI0cDq4Z via @zite
Why you should never, ever use a question mark on Twitter or LinkedIn (infographic) | VentureBeat
Why you should never, ever use a question mark on Twitter or LinkedIn (infographic) http://t.co/pbJCD9Lw via @zite
Facebook Pages Manager for iOS Version 1.5 Released
Facebook Pages Manager for iOS adds landscape mode for iPad, Facebook Offers, longer status updates http://t.co/QBY7umm2 via @zite
Satellite Radio Tries to Remain Relevant by Turning to Telematics | Autopia | Wired.com
RT @wired: Satellite Radio Tries to Remain Relevant by Turning to Telematics http://t.co/y288PHeM
Deja Drop « doug – off the record
Just blogged... Deja Drop http://t.co/vme09USV
The New Yorker's view from 9th Avenue -- via Apple Maps | Crave - CNET
The New Yorker's view from 9th Avenue -- via Apple Maps http://t.co/798dI541 via @CNET
OTR Links 10/03/2012 « doug – off the record
Just blogged... OTR Links 10/03/2012 http://t.co/V5MlZcx5
OTR Links 01/23/2018 – doug — off the record OTR Links 01/23/2018 https://t.co/nJKZXGIJCa tags: via:packrati.us Sergei Eisenstein - Google Search Sergei Eisenstein https://t.co/AO6acACKzD — Doug Peterson (@dougpete) January 23, 2018 tags: IFTTT Twitter via:packrati.us Ontario minimum wage hike having ‘trickle up’ effect on paycheques of higher earners | Financial Post Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9UShared from my Google feed Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9U Shared from my Google feed — Doug Peterson (@dougpet...