Citelighter - The fully automated bibliography, research, citation, and internet highlighting tool.
Store, organize, and share your education and research for free.
Wikis in School Libraries
Wikis 1 - Technology Tips for Librarians - YouTube
"Librarians can watch this video to learn more about how to use wikis to support teaching and learning in their library programs."
The Awesome Science of Mindmapping | Visual.ly
"Mindmapping is a very serious and well researched subject, or art … or something . Whatever it is a map of the mind is definately something to be valued and this 'instructionalicious' guide is no exception. Allow this infographic to simultaneously blow and map your mind."
"If you want to a see a blank look on students’ faces, ask them about the Dewey Decimal library classification system. For better or for worse, the Internet has become the alternative to a library card catalog for browsing and locating resources. But how do you navigate that system, and how can you trust what you read on the web?"
ideasLAB - exploring new possibilities
ideasLAB aims to challenge the way we think about learning and teaching, and find new ways to take technology into the classroom.
Quicksort - the Easy Way | Javalobby
"Quick sort is the fastest known comparision sort for arrays. To top it, it could be done in-place for arrays. For Linked Lists, Merge Sort might be a better option. Also since Quicksort improves its performance by using random numbers, it also becomes an example of a breed of algorithms named “Randomized Algorithms”."
"Kids love making kites. And the kite I have included in this lesson is incredibly easy to make, requires very few resources and flies brilliantly. Secondly this is a great opportunity for you to learn about writing procedural texts."
Build with Chrome - and Lego
"Mobile learning lets pupils move toward personalised, anytime/anywhere learning, with access to the wealth of information and resources on the web at their fingertips. But budget concerns often leave schools without the ability to provide every student with their own device. And research increasingly shows that students already own those devices anyway."
The 5 Most Amazing Feats Of Ancient Engineering | Edudemic
"Want to build your own pyramid? How about some rice terraces? Sure, you could use some fancy modern equipment and take the easy way out…"
Automate your Dropbox with Wappwolf | Bright Ideas
"Wappwolf is a free service which connects with your Dropbox or Google Drive account and lets you set automated tasks"
4 Ways We Can Connect With Parents | Connected Principals
"Recently I was asked about the idea of using specialized software to connect with parents so that they can login, see all of their child’s grades, marks, assignments, homework, and a ton of other information. Although I believe that these systems are designed to help make our systems transparent and ensure that we connect with kids, are they really effective for learning and improving our relationships with parents? "
Being an instructional leader! » Superintendent's Blog
"It is already September 15th and the question is, “Have you visited a classroom yet?” Most school administrators will probably be able to answer that question in the affirmative. Within the first couple of weeks and generally throughout the year, principals and associates find themselves walking through and visiting many classrooms. However, if I rated this activity on the basis of improving teaching quality using a modified version of Bloom’s Taxonomy, I’d probably rate it as lower level. Visitations or walkthroughs are better than not being in classrooms at all, but not by much."
"Tablets, laptops and mobiles aren't there to replace traditional teaching tools, but designed to complement them. Our panel of education experts share advice on using one to one devices in schools"
The History of HTML5 [Infographic] » Design You Trust – Design Blog and Community
"The History of HTML5 [Infographic]"
Infographic of Worldwide Internet Usage | Other Side Group
"This is a goodie. Brought to us by WebpageFX, this infographic shows us how the internet has been adopted around the world. But you may be surprised at what nations have adopted the internet the most…."
New Learning Analytics: Leveraging Education Data [Infographic] – Stephen's Lighthouse
"Learning Analytics: Leveraging Education Data [Infographic]"
WordPress and Tumblr: The Fairy Tale
"Once upon a time, in the electric island of Blogosphere grew the sibling rivalry of WordPress and Tumblr."
Curb Your Blogging Frustration in 8 Steps : @ProBlogger
That last blog post was really good. It was supposed to be the one. The post that launched you into blogging stardom. Right into the spotlight. Making you an overnight success.
12 Compelling Reasons We Should Rethink School Desks - OnlineDegrees.org
"Students young and old frequently complain about the quality of the desks and chairs provided on campus, yet it remains one of the more overlooked issues. A pity, because poor ergonomics and comfort can actually lead to poor health, and poor health leads to missed classes and heightened medical expenditures once career time rolls around. Maybe it’s about time educators, schools, and districts reconsidered their approach towards how they set up classrooms. The positive outcomes might very well prove surprising."
Ten Trends 2012: Social Learning |
"What opportunities lie in the vast array of social media platforms and technologies out there? Also, how can we deconstruct the educational riches as professionals plus for those whom we serve (our students and our organisations)?"
What Teachers Need to Know about 21st Century Literacy
"Technology is not only changing the way education is perceived of today but is redefining the overall education scope. It has created new sciences and reorganized the relationships between long-standing disciplines and fields of inquiry. It has also created new cultural representations and industries. At this historical moment , knowledge itself is in transition as new systems for the generation, systematization, surveillance, and management of knowledge are beign created."