What’s Your Research Methods Worldview? « TechKNOW Tools
"This is the question we tackled in my Friday night class (Yes. It’s on Friday night from 5:30-8:20 pm = Awesome). #ATTD6480: Research Methods is one of my final courses in my doctoral program designed to help graduate students create an empirical research article and/or develop our dissertation proposal. I am looking forward to it – so far we started to talk about our preferred research methods and potential topics for the semester."
The 3 Best Websites To Create Shortened URL Bundles
"With Twitter being the main credit to its success, URL shortening is a trend that popped up recently and is probably here to stay. The earliest popular shortener that I can think of is TinyURL. Moving forward, services like bit.ly began to step in and take over. Now, major websites like Google, Facebook, and StumbleUpon use their own branded URLs for shortened links."
Miss T's Reflections: Lost - One Red Pen.
"Once upon a time... while I was reading every piece of draft writing I sat there with a red pen and proofed all their writing for them - again because I thought that's what good teachers did. Ouch! Of course in some classrooms you may still see this long line of students all waiting to meet with their teacher, waiting for the red pen to do the work for them."
Hacker Uses A Kinect To Help His Mom Email After A Stroke | TechCrunch
"Here’s a heartwarming story for a Hackathon Saturday: Chad Ruble’s mother suffers from aphasia due to a stroke. She hasn’t been able to use a keyboard for years because she is simply unable to recognize text. In order to help her, he built a Kinect-enabled interface that lets her move her hand around a series of simple icons – happy, sad, upset, etc. – and other icons that signify degree."
"Some think that teaching is an easy job that does not require as many efforts as some other jobs. Well this holds true when compared with some blue collar jobs that necessitate a lot of strenuous physical efforts such as working as a flag man."
How to Disable Java in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and System-Wide
"For the average user, we’ve recommended keeping Java disabled as one of the primary means of protecting a Mac against potential malware, viruses, and trojans. In fact, the newest versions of OS X require that Java be installed manually to help mitigate potential threats and to keep people who do use it on the newest versions."
Top 10 Simple Things Every Computer User Should Know How to Do
"Here at Lifehacker, we take a lot of the simpler stuff for granted: how to avoid viruses, use keyboard shortcuts, or even just keep your data backed up. Even if you've mastered all of these tricks (and there's a good chance you haven't), you may want to send this along to some of your less computer-savvy friends. After all, the more they know how to do, the less they'll call you for help."
Digital Media and Learning – what’s missing in our curriculum documents
"Credit goes to John Elfrank-Dana for posting an article on Schoolbook titled “Wanted:New Standards that Embrace Technology” that has inspired me to reflect a little deeper on my understanding of this topic."
10 cool things you can do with your Android camera | News | TechRadar
"We open up a world of fun things you can do with your phone's camera "
Google buys browser-based malware scanner VirusTotal | PCWorld
"Google has acquired Web-based URL scanner VirusTotal in what may be an effort to improve browser security. VirusTotal's service is pretty simple: Just visit the Website and either select a file to scan or paste in a URL. Also available are a Windows desktop application and browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer."
20 Google search shortcuts to hone your Google-fu - Gadgetbox on NBCNews.com
"Hidden behind Google's search box are a slew of shortcuts leading to so-called "OneBox" results that provide awesome tools and display helpful information quickly and directly. You might think you know them all, but a few are more hidden than others."
The Stories Behind Four World-Famous Logos
"Android, Apple, Starbucks & NASA: What inspired these four world-famous logos?"
Infographic: Do you practice safe Internet? - Internet | ThinkDigit Feature Stories
"But with increased activity - and mobility - comes increased risk. Micro Trends counted 6,300 new unique Internet threats per day this year, compared to only 57 in 2006. Spam leads the pack, with 5.2 billion reported cases per month in 2011, followed by more than 5 "