The Evolution of the Web (and browsers) - Incredible interactive timeline.
GetVega - Remember Everything You Love.
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5 great ways to use infographics in the classroom | Quite Useful
"Infographics are a great way to present information in a visually interesting way that can be a lot easier to comprehend than a table or a list of numbers. Not only can they be used as a teaching tool but getting students to actually make infogaphics can be a good way to get them to really understand information and assess their understanding."
Killing the FUD & dispelling the myths around GAFE - Google Docs
Killing the FUD and dispelling the myths around GAFE
"The TED-Ed team provides an in depth look at the powerful features of the newly-launched TED-ED Beta website. You'll learn how TED-Ed videos are created, how they are arranged, about the learning materials that surround each video, and how you can create customized or "flipped" lessons based on any TED-Ed video or any video on YouTube. "
"Games for the K-12 lifespan"
"Read full text articles from magazines and newspapers; find current reference sources; use advanced search functions"
App Yourself
Graphic Novels for All at Best Blog for Kids Who Hate to Read
"It’s definitely time for more graphic novels. In fact I have 2 weeks’ worth of them. I’ve arranged them roughly by reading and/or interest level. But don’t let that get in the way of choosing. Some of the easier books have outstanding stories and graphics and just happen to have a lower reading level."
Dear @Google Chairmain @EricSchmidt, You Are WRONG About Educators « Christopher Lehman
"CBS 60 Minutes this evening broadcast an interesting piece about the Khan Academy, #flippedclassrooms and responsive instruction. I was right with them until Google Chairman @EricScmidt said this (key line bolded, best to watch it in action – link below):"
8 Great New Educational Web Tools for Teachers
"Here is a wrap-up of this week 's educational web 2.0 tools we have discovered in several other blogs and websites and because of our time constraints we could not review them in single posts. Again the purpose is to help you keep updated about the new web tools relevant in the educational ecosystem"
Tip of the Week: Learning 'About' Your Browser - NYTimes.com
"The wrench icon in the Google Chrome toolbar offers a menu of settings you can use to control and adjust how the browser looks and behaves. Chrome can also reveal more information on its internal pages with a series of commands typed directly into the address/search box (also known as the “omnibox”). While many of these commands are designed for programmers looking to debug Web-page code, some are helpful for quickly seeing what plug-ins and extensions are installed, or to see the browser’s bookmarks list."
Open Badges: Badges for Learning? – eLearning Blog Dont Waste Your Time
"I have only taken one certified or official course since I completed my undergraduate degree in 1996, and that was the PG Cert in 2010. Everything else I have done I have done on my own because I (a) wanted to, (b) needed to. But I have nothing to show for it other then the knowledge and experience it has helped me achieve – but how can I show colleagues or employers this knowledge? Why, ‘Open Badges’ is how!"
6 Ways Principals Can Connect With Students | Connected Principals
"As schools have either started or will be starting in the next little while, I just wanted to share some ideas about practices that I thought were important as a principal. I would in no way say that I was perfect as a principal and definitely would change some things that I did, but I am hoping that principals are looked at as more a part of schools, not the “master” of them."
50 Things Every First Year Teacher Should Know
" I’m sure there are tons of other things that first year teachers should know, but here are a handful of tips."
15 Great Video Sites for Educators - HOME - Edgalaxy: Where Education and Technology Meet.
The 100-Second Guide To Gamification In Education | Edudemic
"I usually write some quick guides and snapshots of tools and trends but this one’s going to take more than just 60 seconds. Let’s say 100 seconds to be safe. That’s because it’s all about the massively popular (somewhat) new trend of gamification in education."
How Do You Sort Out Fake Followers From Real Ones on Twitter? [INFOGRAPHIC]
"The number of live humans following you on Twitter might be significantly lower than your profile’s “followers” number states. This infographic below shows that many celebrities and politicians on Twitter — often with millions of followers — typically have more than 30% fake followers."
Learning Analytics: Leveraging Education Data [Infographic] | AvatarGeneration
"“When you hear “analytic,” you might think of webmasters tracking visits to their site. But learning analytics combines this sort of data analysis with student interaction in online education tools, aiming to create a more integrated and customized learning experience.”"
Google’s sneaky Adobe partnership | TechRepublic
"A preselected checkbox on Adobe’s Flash upgrade page moved Tony McSherry to stop using any Google products."
Are you using Chrome to the best of its ability? | SEER Interactive
"Internet marketers spend countless hours in front of the computer but what browser are you using and are you using it to its fullest potential? I see too many people not using the awesome features that Chrome has to offer. So here are some tips and tricks that I use when traveling through the interwebz in the chrome browser."
Google to restore passwords eaten by Chrome iOS app | Apple - CNET News
"A bug involving the Incognito anonymous-browsing feature was wiping out users' saved passwords as well as some other data. But Google says it's got the issue in its sights."
"Apple iPad enthusiasts and would-be iPad users have more reason to rejoice for choosing this electronic wonder device after Mozilla announced it is developing a new browser for iPad – the Junior Firefox for iPad app. Mozilla tech-minds are promising this browser to create a better type work and entertainment environment for its users mostly complaining about not so excellent interface for web search with their iPads."
Firefox iPad: Promise Of The Fastest Browser For Your iPad | Firefox for iPad | Firefox iPad
"Mozilla recently launched its Firefox iPad app, with the name of ‘Firefox Junior‘, which would bring one of the most widely used free web browsers to the most popular tablet of all time. This is certainly a striking combination and the one which was and still is highly demanded by the iPad users. Although various other open source web browsers previously exist for iPad, none of them is as widely popular as Firefox. A lot of iPad users had been complaining about the absence of an interface that would truly compliment the best tablet in the market. And with the launch of Firefox iPad, the situation seems to be changing."