Automate backup transfers for Dropbox, FTP, SFTP, Amazon, MySQL, and lots more | Backup Box
Backup Box helps you connect technologies that don't play nice together, like (s)FTP and Dropbox. Free, automatic, and behind the scenes. No installation required.
As your data heads to the cloud in Web 2.0 and beyond, deep privacy for your data is needed more than ever. We provide industry-strength encryption services so you can comfortably store your data anywhere.
SecretSync - Client-side encryption for Dropbox
Your files never leave your possession without being encrypted first. SecretSync uses client-side encryption to give you absolute privacy and control over your data.
FBI: Web will go dark for 350,000 infected Internet users starting July 9
FBI: Web will go dark for 350,000 infected Internet users starting July 9
Perceived Usefulness: 17 Keyboard Shortcuts You Must Know
17 Keyboard Shortcuts You Must Know
There are probably thousands of keyboard shortcuts out there but here are my top 17 shortcuts that I use frequently and find the most useful. Together, they probably represent 85% of all my shortcut use. I'm still amazed at how many people don't know these... -
Juicy Geography: Investigating sea level change with Google Earth
Surfing is a hugely popular activity, driven by a multi-billion dollar industry. Climate change, and the possibility of rising sea levels, could have a drastic affect on the sport.
Explore Guitar cords and put them together to create your own rift.
New Tech Network is a nonprofit organization that works with school districts and communities to implement innovate public high schools.
Twitter Birthday - twbirthday.com
Find yours or friends Twitter birthday
11 Rules You Will Never Learn in School by Bill Gates
Bill Gates gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. Words of wisdom and life from one of the greatest entrepreneurs of the century.
This will be the class they remember forever
Check out MakeUseOf cheat sheets that list shortcuts for a number of essential programs that you probably use on a daily basis. Those will definitely make you more productive. All free. Enjoy! Share them with everyone!
A community of teachers and developers creating free, open-source tools for education
Around the Corner-MGuhlin.org: Hooking Up an Apple TV to Anything
When the new Apple TV arrived, I couldn't wait to hook it up...after all, it would magically transform...well, I don't know. I just knew I needed to get one to fully take advantage of my iPad. Unfortunately, after digging to the bottom of a small box, I realized I was missing a critical component--an HDMI cable. At least, I thought that's what I was missing.
Seven Gmail Add-ons That Make Email Suck Less | TechCrunch
I think it says a lot about the current state of email that we have so many startups trying to change the way we do it. Gmail has been a key player for many years now. With features like threaded messages and filters, they’ve kept ahead of the game; but the feeling still seems pretty unanimous. Email sucks! Someone has got to burst this bubble and, when they do, they are going to make a mint.
Activities for Grades 3-5 | Random Acts of Kindness
Read through some kindness activity ideas that are appropriate for grades 3-5.
Children are using social media. Who is teaching them?
Top 5 Reasons to Let Kids Choose Their Own Books « Nerdy Book Club
Over the past 18 years, I’ve done my share of “traditional” teaching: I chose a book, I decided how many pages my students would read each night, I wrote questions to see if they read the book, I came up with what I thought were awesome projects so the kids could have fun after reading the books.
30 Life-Enhancing Things You Can Do in 30 Minutes or Less
Here are 30 things you can do in 30 minutes or less that will have a positive emotional effect on you and those closest to you.
CANOE Travel - Ontario - Attractions open doors across Ontario
It was 200 years ago that Canada and the British Empire were at war with the Americans.
The War of 1812 is to be commemorated during Doors Open Ontario 2012, the popular annual heritage touring program. -
The Changing Trends of Distance Learning
The 21st century technological development is a revolution in many ways. It has certainly revolutionized the world wide communication system and laid the foundation stone for faster transmission of information.
A Must-Have Guide To Google Drive | Edudemic
We’re chomping at the bit to get our grimy little hands on the new Google Drive. We wrote about it in our March issue of the Edudemic Magazine, featured it a couple weeks ago, and now want to start figuring out how the basically-real tool will help teachers around the planet. After all, that’s what Edudemic is all about! We throw caution to the wind and just start trying to figure out fun and useful ways to use technology in the classroom. Who cares if that technology isn’t available yet?