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OTR Backup 04/08/2012

  • How do you differentiate instruction? We asked the Middle School Portal 2: Math and Science Pathways project ( 21st Century Teacher Leaders about their favorite tech tools for differentiating instruction. Here's what they had to say:

    tags: differentiation teaching web tools web2.0 learning MIddleSchool education

  • Google + Presentation

    tags: google march google docs docs

  • Timelines that are Easy to Make and Use

    tags: timelines

  • Make it easier / more fun for the next person to learn what ever you are learning right now

    tags: learning education howto students

  • Even though I believe there's a lot of learning going on 
    when kids are involved in creative play, crafting, games, cooking, 
    and all the other things we come together to do, 
    here are a few of our posts which focus 
    on tips, games, and activities that are fun and educational!

    tags: kids

  • Not so long ago, there was a familiar product called software. It was sold in stores, in shrink-wrapped boxes. When you bought it, all that you gave away was your credit card number or a stack of bills.

    tags: selling facebook wsj com

  • Although I’m only 48, I have been working in educational computing for thirty years. When I started, we taught children to program. We also taught tens of thousands of teachers to teach computer science to learners of all ages. In many cases, this experience represented the most complex thinking about thinking that teachers ever experienced and their students gained benefit from observing teachers learning to think symbolically, solve problems and debug. There was once a time in the not so distant path when educators were on the frontiers of scientific reasoning and technological progress. Curriculum was transformed by computing. School computers were used less often to “do school” and more often to do the impossible.

    tags: stager

  • An ePortfolio (electronic portfolio) is an electronic collection of evidence that shows your learning journey over time. Portfolios can relate to specific academic fields or your lifelong learning. Evidence may include writing samples, photos, videos, research projects, observations by mentors and peers, and/or reflective thinking. The key aspect of an eportfolio is your reflection on the evidence, such as why it was chosen and what you learned from the process of developing your eportfolio. (Adapted from Philippa Butler’s “Review of the Literature on Portfolios and Eportfolios” (2006), page 2.)

    tags: eportfolios edtech edchat

  • The Dropbox team dropped a handy new feature onto our laps today, and it’s for all of you Chrome, Firefox, and Safari users out there. Sorry Internet Explorer fans.

    If you use Dropbox for the web to upload, store, and share your files, you can now drag those files right into the appropriate folders:

    tags: dropbox

  • Microsoft Flight is free to play on Steam, offering an experience similar to the traditional Flight Simulator games, but geared towards gamers instead of those curious about the mechanics and physics of flight. Additional content will cost you extra, though. That includes maps, plus additional planes.

    tags: microsoft flight steam free

  • Regardless of the industry you’re in, you’re likely on a constant search for tools and resources to help you learn new skills and brush up on concepts you’ve already learned to propel yourself up the career ladder.

    tags: networking professional professional development development

  • James Pearce, head of mobile developer relations for Facebook, likes to point out that "you and your friends don't always have the same devices" or even use the same mobile platforms.

    tags: facebook mobile app

  • Etsy, the popular marketplace for all things handmade, just announced that it will not just be hosting the 2012 session of Hacker School at its headquarters in New York, but that it will also offer ten $5,000 grants to women who would like to attend this year’s session but don’t have the financial means to do so. As Etsy’s VP of engineering Marc Hedlund notes, the idea here is to ensure that about 50% of the next Hacker School class of about 40 participants will be female.

    tags: etsy wants female programmers hacker school techcrunch

  • Dropbox, a startup even the mighty Steve Jobs had his eyes on, has risen to fame and popularity in no time. The file-syncing and backup service has over 50 million users, and the number has been rising quite rapidly. The reason Dropbox has been so successful is because it has managed to make syncing dead simple, and that too across all platforms. While most startups in its genre ignore Linux, Dropbox has been catering to the needs of Linux users for a long time.

    tags: dropbox tips tricks linux users

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


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