Ninja Program to help learn Google Applications for Education
"Design, Development, Business: Working to unify Web Professional Education"
Using Technology to Support Diverse Learners
"This website, produced by WestEd, contains links to a slide show, handouts, and related materials for professional developers (technology coordinators and inclusion teachers) that are helping teachers integrate technology into the curriculum to support diverse learners."
Enjoy unlimited music, it's completely free and legal!
Earthguide: Educational Resources in Earth, Marine, Environmental and Planetary Sciences
Complete set of science educational resources for Earth and Planets.
Water Cycle - Earthguide Animated Diagram
Earthguide - Water Cycle - great for SMART Board - includes all the terms students should know
Use These 10 Sites to Detect Plagiarism
If we’ve learned one thing from the Jonah Lehrer plagiarism debacle it’s that copying or falsifying your work just isn’t worth it. Last month, The New Yorker writer resigned from his position at the magazine after admitting to fabricating quotes in his latest book, as well as borrowing from his own articles at other publications.
10 States That Spend More on Prisons...
Education spending is vital to the livelihood and well-being of every state, and so is prison spending. But in some states, prisons seem to be more important, taking up more funding in state budgets than K-12 and college education spending.
Gamifying the Maker Movement for...
PCWorld columnist Phil Shapiro begins a recent article on the Maker Movement by stating "As the unemployment crisis continues month after month, I’m tempted to climb to the roof of my house and yell at the top of my lungs, ‘The maker movement creates jobs.’"
True Confessions of a PTA Mom: And So it...
Today was the big day – my son, Jackson, started kindergarten. My husband and sister are educators, so Jackson has been raised around teachers and classrooms since he was an infant.
20 Things To Know About How Big Data Is...
Simply put, technology exists in some for or another across education. With that technology comes a push for understanding. That understanding has taken the form of ‘big data‘ entering the classroom. By ‘big data’ I mean high-tech software and analyzation of all the data being created by technology in education.
“Think before you click” works for...
“I like to say that I am a professional teacher, which means that whatever I learn I transfer that knowledge to my colleagues and students,” says Lidija Kralj. “I wish to help them embrace educational technology and 21st century learning and teaching styles.”
Innovation in teaching in Ontario...
There are many examples of innovative and effective teaching and learning strategies at Ontario universities, some of which will be shared here. The examples set out in this document reflect both practices that are well-established in many universities, and those that are evolving.
A List of Great Presentations Teachers Should Not Miss
"Ideas to Inspire is a real treasure trove packed full of awesome educational presentations. I was honestly amazed by the great materials they include. What really impressed me about this website is that the presentations it features are well constructed and to the point and they are created by teachers and educators."
Facebook Interests: A Great Way to Use Facebook for Professional Development | David Kelly
"I love the ways social media has opened doors to new and exciting opportunities for professional development. There are plenty of great resources shared by companies and individuals, so much so that filtering through all the content to see only what you want to see is a necessity."
“Tweeting Away” In Kindergarten | kindergartenlife
" I have only recently set up a class twitter account that is used solely for the purpose of making connections with other Kindergarten classes. The children in my class seem to have naturally connected with this idea of making friends and sharing ideas with others in other places outside of our classroom."
Tech Transformation: Moving to the cloud: how wrong can you be?
"Three years ago, in my first term after moving to a new school, I was told by an administrator that cloud computing would fail. Another administrator mentioned at a parent meeting that he didn't believe in a 1:1 programme because there was no evidence that technology enhanced learning. Alarm bells started to ring. I knew I'd made a bad move and was in the wrong place. This vision of the future didn't match up with mine."
5 Ways Learnist Has Evolved Digital Learning | TeachThought
Learnist takes an innovative approach to learning that takes the best bits of existing social media platforms and forges them as a powerful informal thinking and learning platform.
"Part of the article also includes a closer look at some recent patent disputes Apple has had with Samsung, HTC and Motorola. It’s clearly laid out and if you haven’t had a chance to follow what has been happening in the courtroom, it’s definitely worth a look:"
Telltale Signs Someone Is Lying [Infographic]
"Don’t you wish you could sometimes spot a liar right away? I mean, the general population supposedly tells white lies quite often."
Kids Go Gaga Over Tablets [INFOGRAPHIC]
"Humans are becoming familiar with digital technology and devices earlier than ever. In fact, more than half of children between the ages of five and eight have already used tablets to play or learn, according to some research. For kids between the ages of six and 12, the iPad was the most coveted gadget last Christmas. Tablets are permeating family life, too; in households that own a device, kids 12 and under get their hands on it more often than not."
Microsoft, Atari Bring Arcade Classics to the Web | Webmonkey | Wired.com
"Microsoft’s Internet Explorer team has partnered with Atari to re-imagine classic Atari games for the modern web. That’s right, Centipede, Asteroids, Missile Command and half a dozen more all re-written using HTML5 and JavaScript."
Formula 1 Team Races With Microsoft Dynamics
"Lotus F1 Team is fueling its bid for the 2014 Formula 1 Championship with Microsoft Dynamics AX, which will help it manage every aspect of its business from the drawing board to the racetrack."
OTR Links 01/23/2018 – doug — off the record OTR Links 01/23/2018 https://t.co/nJKZXGIJCa tags: via:packrati.us Sergei Eisenstein - Google Search Sergei Eisenstein https://t.co/AO6acACKzD — Doug Peterson (@dougpete) January 23, 2018 tags: IFTTT Twitter via:packrati.us Ontario minimum wage hike having ‘trickle up’ effect on paycheques of higher earners | Financial Post Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9UShared from my Google feed Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9U Shared from my Google feed — Doug Peterson (@dougpet...