PowToon : Create Animated Presentations Online
"PowToon is the brand new Do-It-Yourself animated presentation tool that supercharges your presentations and videos! Save massive amounts of time and money by creating Presentoons that bring the WOW!-factor to product demos, business presentations, social media clips, and much more."
Great Video Lessons from Great Teachers | LearnZillion
"123 teachers from around the country are working this summer to create 2,000 Common Core lessons"
Free, Printable Bingo Cards by Bingo Baker
"Bingo Baker makes it easy to create bingo cards. You can generate hundreds of random cards and print them using the printer-friendly PDF (with no ads or watermarks). You can also save paper (and waste electricity instead) by playing your bingo game online (it works on the iPad)."
"We don’t teach students how to read code. Actually we don’t event teach them that they should read code for the most part."
"Every single teacher is concerned about his/ her teaching practices and the skills involved in this process. How many times have you wondered about a better way to teach the same lesson you have delivered to an eariler class? How often have you used technology to engage your students and improve their learning ? These are some recurring questions we keep regurgitating each time our teaching skills are put to the test."
"By being adaptable and accessible, OERs have the potential to solve the global education crisis and contribute to sustainable economic growth - if governments are prepared to act"
Picozu Editor - sharing creativity
The best online image editor
Hidden Tools on YouTube - Katherine Boehret - The Digital Solution - AllThingsD
"Though YouTube calls itself the third most-visited site in the world (after Google and Facebook), it works like an efficient courier service, playing content for you wherever you are on the Web, including Facebook, Twitter and email instant messages. But while we’ve been busy watching YouTube videos elsewhere, the site itself grew up."
“…they were born in another time.” | Connected Principals
“…they were born in another time.”
Students Will Flock to Online Study Halls This School Year [STUDY]
"Everything from text books to chatting with a teacher can be done online, so why not move school study halls to the web? A recent survey predicts that 2012-2013 school year will see the rise of online study halls by students who want to enhance their education with digital content and more online collaboration."
for the love of learning: Thank God for standardized test scores
"Because of the Fraser Report and standardized testing, I now know the name of the worst school in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and third worst school in the entire province."
Anonymous Teacher Details Shocking Experiences In Manhattan Schools | Edudemic
"About an hour ago, BuzzFeed posted this anonymous article from an elementary school teacher in Manhattan. The teacher details shocking and eye-opening things that should give everyone (teachers and non-teachers alike) a newfound respect for the work teachers are doing. Below are snippets of the article so be sure to read the entire ‘Career Confidential‘ here."
Can Texting Develop Other Writing Skills? | MindShift
"As more schools begin allowing students to bring their own devices and actually use them in class, the debate around the value of “digital writing” — texting, taking notes on mobile devices, tweeting, etc. — is heating up."
Could a Hurricane Take Down the Internet? [INFOGRAPHIC]
"Amazon and Rackspace both have major cloud computing centers in Virginia, which experienced three hurricanes from 2003 to 2004 alone. Add in climate scientists’ predictions that global warming will increase the frequency and severity of these types of storms, and there’s an argument for redundancy in your cloud network if we ever heard one."
This 13 Year Old App Developer Puts Us All To Shame | Cult of Mac
"Last year, Nicholas G. was 12-years-old. He convinced his dad to get him a developer account from Apple, and began to learn how to program apps. Nicholas is now 13, and the second update to his first app, Quick Notes!!, is out on the App Store. Version 1.0, says Nicholas, has already accrued over 3,000 downloads. How many downloads did your app have when you were 13? Mine didn’t have any. It still doesn’t."
Loose MagSafe 2 Plug Destroys Retina MacBook Screen | Cult of Mac
It’s widely know that that the MagSafe 2 connector found on the new Retina MacBook Pro likes to sever its connection at the slightest chance. But who cares, right? After all, if it comes loose, you just plug it back in – it’s not like it’s the cable to your boot drive or anything.