The most easy-to-use online survey software around. | Surveydaddy.com
The most easy-to-use
online survey software around. -
Books is a Mac application for cataloging personal book collections for Mac OS X 10.4 and later. Originally built by Chris Karr in 2003, Books has gone through three major iterations and continues to help users around the world catalog their collections.
Pretty Your Pinterest With This New Photo Hack
Inspired by our previous Pinterest board hack, Eugene Chen of Vitamin Creativity made an incredibly easy tool, designed specifically to splice up images for the new Pinterest design.
How To Track Topics On The Web
It's easy to get obsessed with the super-fast, real-time cycle of online news. But don't forget that the Web is a massive treasure trove of information about any topic. With just a bit of work, you can set up tracking and get regular updates about topics you're passionate about. In this how-to article, we share our tips on topic tracking.
Interesting Facts about Online and Distance Learning
The advance of technology into our life has tarnsformed all of our practices to the extent that we become very dependant on this same technology to perform tasks we, in the past, would do alone. Can you imagine living without any computer, mobile device, and internet ? Can you go unplugged for a year or two ? I know if you do you will be lagging behind and probably will never catch up.
Science Teachers Cut Up Over Virtual Dissections - Digital Education - Education Week
Starting next fall, the 11,600-student Highlands County, Fl. school system will end frog and pig embryo dissection in classrooms, instead opting for virtual dissections over the computer. But biology teachers are hopping hoping the school board will reconsider.
Aviary photo editor arrives on the iPhone for free | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog
Aviary is known in software circles as an Android photo editor and a plug-in for developers who want to easily add photo editing to existing apps.
Now iPhone photographers can try Aviary as a standalone app that is powerful, has nice features, and best of all, is free. -
Six Lingering Obstacles to Using Technology in Schools | MindShift
The NMC Horizon Report: 2012 K-12 Edition, a collaboration between the New Media Consortium, the Consortium for School Networking, and the International Society for Technology in Education, takes the birds-eye view and encapsulates some of the significant challenges that must still be addressed and offers the following assessment.
JogNog helps teachers create learning games for their students | eSchool News
JogNog, a website that provides competitive learning games that motivate students in grades 2-12 to learn, has opened up its library of elementary and middle school content to teachers who want to create games that match their specific lesson plans.
Apple and Microsoft have forced Google into a corner | memeburn
The timing of the Microsoft’s announcement of Surface was particularly peculiar. “Hands-on” demos were decidedly hands-off. Microsoft didn’t allow anyone to use the SmartCover keyboards — bizarre, given that this is the most innovative feature of Surface (and a real differentiator between the iPad). It’s obvious now that Surface is not ready.
Solution Grove - Custom Installation using Khan Academy Open Source Code
Khan Academy has released their code under an open source licence and we can help you use it to create your own site, with your own videos and exercises on any topic you would like!
Teenagers 'worse at maths than in 1970s', figures show - Telegraph
Teenagers’ maths skills have declined sharply over the last 30 years, research shows, leaving a generation of school leavers unfit for the demands of university and the workplace.
8 ways to use Learnist, a Pinterest-like education site | Education Dive
Learnist bears a striking similarity to Pinterest by way of Wikipedia, and the busy knowledge-sharing site is bursting at the seams with content.
Dog Philosophy 101: What Dogs Teach Us About Life | Psychology Today
Fortunately some knowledge of the philosophy of life that dogs follow can remedy the situation. Therefore, in order to fill what I see as a major gap in your education I'm going to take a few minutes of the time allotted to me here to give you your last course before you graduate—this course is Dog Philosophy 101. It is a multidisciplinary course which has implications for a variety of other fields of study.