edulicious - edulicious - Tablets or Laptops? Ask the Right Questions.
Tech Talk for Teachers: PowerPoints with Personality
Whether you love 'em, hate 'em, or fall somewhere in between, PowerPoint presentations have become something of a staple in every teacher's bag of technology tricks. Some of us create our own PowerPoints to present curriculum content, some of us have our students create them to show they've learned the curriculum content, and some of us do a little of each.
The Cockroach Beatbox - YouTube
By dissecting a cockroach ... yes, live on stage ... TED Fellow and neuroscientist Greg Gage shows how brains receive and deliver electric impulses -- and how legs can respond. (Launching a series on Awesome Nature)
15 of the coolest hidden Google tricks | memeburn
Google is awesome. Yes, there have been questions raised about its new privacy policy and creepy Safari tracking and frankly, it just knows way too much about everyone who has ever created a Google account. But let’s put that aside for a moment and focus on all its cool quirks, shall we?
They’re built into practically every Google product — if you look hard enough, you’ll find that entering the right search term or typing a code can make Google collapse, spin or create fictional characters. Here are 15 easter eggs (hidden, entertaining things developers build into a website or program) for you to discover the next time you’re Googling. -
How to Educate More Creative Problem-Solvers - Mirian Graddick-Weir - Harvard Business Review
Technological innovation accounted for almost half of U.S. economic growth over the past 50 years, but the country's standing as the world's indisputable innovation leader is now at risk. In December, China surpassed the United States as the leading global patent filer — the first time any country has overtaken America.
Armchair travellers can now journey by train through the Swiss Alps thanks to Google Street View.
The internet search giant's online service that lets users explore places around the world through 360-degree street-level imagery has captured vistas for the first time by train. -
Dubai's Chief of Police: Prosecute Twitter Users who Criticize the UAE
Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tami, Chief of Dubai Police, has spoken out against the use of Twitter to criticize the UAE government, calling for legal action to be taken against offenders, Gulf News reports.
Referring to the recent criticism of the UAE government by the country’s tweeting Muslim Brotherhood, Tamim said, “I call on the country’s top member of the judiciary to take legal action against that faction of tweeters, who abused our nation and leaders.” -
Open Education Practices: A User Guide for Organisations - Wikibooks, open books for an open world
These pages are intended to stimulate critical thought and discussion about Information and Communication Technology, and whether it is enabling a social movement. Perhaps we could start this discussion with a consideration of what literacy means today, and how the choices we make in tools, and policies we use to govern practice with those tools, affect those have on the development of that literacy.
Revisiting Cell Phones Bans in Schools -- THE Journal
Twenty-four percent of K-12 schools ban cell phones altogether, and 62 percent allow phones on school grounds but ban them in the classroom, according to the most recent national data available. But it's about time for those schools to rethink those bans, said Kevin M. Thomas, assistant professor of education at Bellarmine University in Louisville, KY, who spoke at the 67th ASCD Annual Conference & Exhibit in Philadelphia this weekend.
Screenleap Brings You One Click Screensharing
Screensharing is an important part of being able to hold business meetings from remote locations, and most of the services out there cost money and require annoying software installation. Google+ Hangouts recently got screen sharing as a feature, but it requires everyone to be signed up, logged in, and on the platform.
Fun Failure: How to Make Learning Irresistible | MindShift
Failure is a positive act of creativity,” Katie Salen said. Scientists, artists, engineers, and even entrepreneurs know this as adults. But in schools, the notion of failure is complicated.
15 Favorite iPad Apps As Selected By Teachers | Emerging Education Technology
Out of 125 responses from teachers indicating their top 3 apps, these are the apps that were listed most often.
Over the last few weeks, we ran a survey asking teachers to tell us about two or three of their favorite iPad apps that they use in an education-related context. Today we share the apps that were listed most often, and include some feedback from teachers regarding why they like them so much. -
Education funding cut in 2012 budget | People for Education
Caps on high school credits, school closings, amalgamating school boards all on the menu for education in Ontario
Educational Technology Guy: Hojoki - make all your cloud apps work together - very cool & free
Hojoki is a new service I just learned about from the Hojoki team. It's a very cool idea - it takes all of your online productivity apps and turns them into a newsfeed and collaborative space to work on projects.
Digitize Student Work With the Three Ring App
Three Ring is a new free service offering free Android and iPhone apps for digitizing and organizing student work. Using the app teachers can take a picture of a student’s work and upload it to a free Three Ring account. Three Ring offers teachers a lot of organizational flexibility. You could organize artifacts by student name, class, date, or just about any other tagging system that works for you.