EDMODO Professional learning materials. . . « Oh, the thinks I can think!
I have been asked a few times to provide the various powerpoints, handouts etc that I have used to promote EDMODO, so, here they are ALL in one spot!
Cool Infographics Gallery
Data visualization and infographic designs featured on the Cool Infographics blog (CoolInfographics.com). This board started as only images from 2011, but I will be adding content on an ongoing basis from both older posts and as new content is added to the Cool Infographics site. -
Infographics Archive | An infographic is a visual representation of information
The motherlode. Infographic archive.
Wikipedia – what are we afraid of?
I don’t understand the concept of banning an information resource. I get the criticism of Wikipedia. I understand the limitations of Wikipedia. For the life of me, though, I don’t understand banning its use. Why are we in the Educational World so fearful of this Wikipedia thing that 73% of teachers according to this infographic still prevent its use?
Infographics – presenting Data and statistics in the 21st Century
I’m always looking for ways of presenting information to my students in more effective ways. I’ve recently discovered an explosion in a new way of representing data and information on the WWW called infographics. Obviously, they didn’t just start popping up this year, but they seem to be everywhere at the moment. They offer great possibilities in Education across many curriculum areas.
Your keys to the web. Organize and access your favourite sites quickly and securely.
25 TED Talks Perfect For Classrooms | Edudemic
TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) represents the best things about the Internet … and sometimes the world, for that matter. With the click of a button you can be inspired, educated, encouraged, wowed, or entertained by speakers from all walks of life.
History of Macintosh Viruses - TopTenREVIEWS
The history of viruses and computer security is interesting and dynamic, starting with geeky pranksters and evolving into a multi-billion dollar business. Fortunately (whether by design or destiny), Macintosh viruses have been noticeably missing. And while the threats for Mac are few and far between, they’re not completely nonexistent. Some of the earliest known viruses started on Mac computers, and new malware still pop up every now and then, even for Mac OS X.
The 13 Most Radical Thinkers In Education | Edudemic
Considering education is about as old as the first person to teach another person how to do something, many of the ideas and opportunities available today wind up getting taken for granted. They might not appear “radical” by contemporary standards, but each of these individuals contributed something to the way the schooling process works.
74 Interesting Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom | edte.ch
The Interesting Ways series of resources continue to grow as the community add ideas from the classroom. Below is one of the most popular with over 70 ideas shared by teachers for using Google Forms in a range of different ways.
Why Is Pinterest So Addictive? [INFOGRAPHIC]
Column Five created this infographic to examine the Pinterest addiction that seems to be spreading like a zombie apocalypse virus. Proof? Pinterest users spend an average 98 minutes on site per month, third only to Tumblr (2.5 hours) and Facebook (7 hours). Antidote? None.
Make An iPhone, Android App Without Knowing A Line Of Code | Fast Company
With JamPot's AppBuilder, you can build a genuine iPhone or Android app in mere minutes for free--according to the company's own website. The young company, savvy to the ever-shifting smartphone market, says it will soon support Windows Phone 7 too, meaning it'll address the market that RIM seems to be losing its grip on very fast according to new surveys on smartphone use.
Building Good Search Skills: What Students Need to Know | MindShift
The Internet has made researching subjects deceptively effortless for students — or so it may seem to them at first. Truth is, students who haven’t been taught the skills to conduct good research will invariably come up short.
50+ Free Mac Apps for 2012 | Mac.AppStorm
Let’s face it – buying a Mac isn’t cheap, but you can help justify some of that cost if you use only a few of these outstanding free Mac apps. I’ve included my favorite apps, from simple text editors to advanced publishing tools, which are available at no cost to you.
Why Digital Citizenship Must Be Taught in Schools - Scott Steinberg - Voices - AllThingsD
Wake up and smell the silicon: From smartphones and apps to computers and social networks, technology has permanently invaded kids’ lives, much to the benefit of parents and educators. But with the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad now topping children’s wish lists, kids aged 2 to 5 are more equipped to run apps than tie their own shoelaces. In the rush to place high-tech and mobile devices in so many hands, we’re also doing perilously little to prepare adults and kids alike for life in a connected world, potentially endangering future generations.
Why Open Education Matters – The competition and my take » Dave's Educational Blog
I’ve been hearing bits and pieces about a new project being launched by the US government to support open education. Certainly the recent work being done by Cable Green is a clear indication that government support for the obvious financial advantages and more subtle curricular advantages of #OER are coming around. I think of the content provided by #OER as the foundation of learning. It has the possibility of being nothing less than the ‘dictionary’ of our times. The thing that allows everyone access to the basic bits of information that make up the fabric of our world.
How Microsoft Removes "Junk" From Bing Search Results
Dr. Richard Qian from Bing’s core search team wrote a blog post on the Bing Search blog named Bing Search Quality Insights: Reducing Junk. This is part of Bing’s ongoing effort to provide search quality insights on how Bing works.
Badges Will Be Big | Getting Smart
I’m bullish about badges and job certification like Jobs for the Future Credentials that Work and just-in-time job training like the online program just launched by GeneralAssemb.ly. But I think they’ll be even bigger in K-12.
40 Ways to Let Your Passions Shine Through Your Le... - WeAreTeachers
You're a teacher. But you're also a person—with passions and interests and talents that go above and beyond the classroom. Here are forty fun ideas on how you can let your own passions shine through your lessons—and in doing so; ignite similar passions in your students.
- 10 Essential Educational Resources for Teachers - my list
I recently read an article at Edudemic entitiled "20 Must-Have Educational Resources For All Teachers". In this article, the author writes about the devices and web-resources that he feels are must have's for education. In it, he challenges the readers to create their own list too. I agree with much of his list, but thought I'd make my own list a little differently.
20 Must Have Educational Mac Apps For Kids | iEnticement
Children learn from their parents and society, Mac can also provide education to your kids, there are some useful apps at App Store that can teach your kids and also grow your kids mind. So, here, I have compiled a full of teaching collection of Educational Mac Apps for your kids, these educational Mac apps help your kids to learn alphabets, counting and other useful thing, your kids will get fun and education by using these education apps on your Mac. Below you can see stunning and thematic collection of education Mac apps for your kids…