5 Reasons You Need to Meet in Person | Inc.com
No matter what industry we’re in, we’re all in the people business. We’ll only be successful if we really get to know our customers and colleagues. Many of my tech marketing clients are so busy that they now prefer texting to even emails or calls. Skype, WebEx and audio calls are convenient and create the illusion we’re actually having a meeting -- but nothing beats the power of a truly personal, face-to-face connection.
A K-12/University partnership committed to democratizing computer science.
Leap Year 2012 Google Doodle Frogs Share Stage With Gioachino Rossini - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)
The frogs are back, and this time it’s musical. Today’s leap year Google Doodle on Google’s homepage marks two occasions: the extra day that shows up almost every four years on February 29, and the birthday of composer Gioachino Rossini.
WriteThat.Name recognizes signatures as soon as you receive an email and updates your address book.
Enter the Url or browse a file from your computer. Online file compressor / decompressor.
Home - UK Safer Internet Centre
Here you can find out the latest advice on how to use the internet and new technologies safely and responsibly. Also find a range of practical resources, news and events focussing on the safe and responsible use of the internet and new technologies.
Come in to find the latest information on the sites you like to visit, mobiles and new technology. Find out what’s good, what’s not and what you can do about it. If you look after young people there’s an area for you too – with resources you can use in the classroom, at home or just to get with it.
Fuel the Brain Educational Games | Play Sammy's Symmetry Shuffle
Learn all about symmetry online!
enThread | Web Based Image Editor
Web based image editor
Guide to Teaching Computer Science
The dynamic evolution of the field of computer science (CS) also poses educational and pedagogical challenges, such as issues of CS teacher recruitment, pre-service teacher preparation, support for teachers' ongoing professional development, and the design of teaching and learning material.
Cool online kaleidoscope
Chemistry resources for Teachers and Students - Learn Chemistry
Faces of Chemistry Short videos highlighting real-life applications of chemistry in products we use in everyday life
The R Project for Statistical Computing
R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS.
How to Get Google Docs Form Data in an Email Message
Get Form Data from Google Docs in an Email Message [Video Tutorial]
A new high school Advanced Placement (AP) course in Computer Science is presently under development. The course, tentatively called Computer Science Principles, is a deep, content rich class covering the fundamentals of computing.
The True Story of Pascale Mauclair | Edwize
Within hours of the publication of the Teacher Data Reports (TDRs) last Friday, the UFT began to hear stories of teachers and their families being hounded by news reporters from the New York Post.
How to Create a Portfolio with Evernote (Education Series) « Evernote Blogcast
I started teaching 15 years ago and that is when I first came across this concept of a ‘portfolio.’ A portfolio is a storehouse for projects, writing pieces, art, and performances. It can be used by students, teachers, and parents to document what they’re doing (either day-to-day things or through their best work or improvements they’ve made). I see portfolios as a way to hold onto and think about what you’re doing.
A Look Inside the Digital Lives of Tweens | MindShift
While large-scale surveys have documented the types of media to which 5–9-year-olds are devoting increasing amounts of time, we know less about how and why they are using these media and what they might be learning as a result. This research provides rich details on the processes, relationships, and contexts that larger scale studies on children’s media use cannot by examining two 8-year-old girls’ engagement with video games, the Web, mobile devices, and other emerging technologies against the backdrop of family life.
Ten Videos Every Educator Should Watch (and Reflect on) | Eductechalogy
The internet abound with videos for educators, some contextual and benefit educators in particular situations at a particular time (e.g. tools tutorials) while others are timeless by focusing on what really matters in education.
Below are 10 videos that every educator should watch and reflect on his teaching context. -
Android for Education resources and apps – DEN Blog Network
A colleague asked if I could put together a list of some great Android apps for education and some great Android resources for a presentation he is doing on the Kindle Fire. Here’s what I came up with:
What Google+ Should Have Been: Bing's Linked Pages
Bing launched Bing+ last week, it just skipped all the unnecessary stuff. (It's not really called Bing+.) There's a new feature called Linked Pages that allows Bing users (U.S. only, for now) to connect their various websites and profiles to their Bing identities, using Facebook for authentication. You can also link your Facebook friends to their pages.
OTR Links 01/23/2018 – doug — off the record OTR Links 01/23/2018 https://t.co/nJKZXGIJCa tags: via:packrati.us Sergei Eisenstein - Google Search Sergei Eisenstein https://t.co/AO6acACKzD — Doug Peterson (@dougpete) January 23, 2018 tags: IFTTT Twitter via:packrati.us Ontario minimum wage hike having ‘trickle up’ effect on paycheques of higher earners | Financial Post Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9UShared from my Google feed Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9U Shared from my Google feed — Doug Peterson (@dougpet...