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Make Free QR Codes - Change colors - Titles - URLS - Vcards - Tshirts !
QR Blaster allows you to generate QR Codes free of charge. For membership options, you can get Custom Design versions, google anaylitics tracking, short urls to keep your QR Code design simple.
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e-Learning Stuff » Blog Archive » QR Codes on the noticeboard
QR Codes on the noticeboard
So there I was walking down one of the corridors in the college when I noticed that there was a QR Code on the noticeboard.
It linked to a survey by students on bands and music, they were using surveymonkey that works well on a mobile device. The questionnaire was a simple one so could be easily completed on your mobile device. -
Selenia - Science Investigation Comics for KS3 | The Whiteboard Blog
Here’s a great little comic book resource for science that I’d blogged about ages ago and then completely forgotten about. Selenia is a school girl from another planet. Her adventures have been turned into a comic book, and can be used to teach about Science Investigations and Materials.
SCIS | If you dont have a PLN, you don't know what you are missing
If you dont have a PLN, you don't know what you are missing
Recently I had the most thrilling experience! I met, in person, some members of my Personal Learning Network (PLN)! -
Pinterest Hits 10 Million U.S. Monthly Uniques Faster Than Any Standalone Site Ever -comScore
How Computer Games Help Children Learn | MindShift
This is the premise of Platform Wars, an epistemic game, or management simulator, developed by MIT’s Sloan School of Management. The game’s learning objectives are to allow students to interactively experience the challenges of strategic competition in complex and dynamic markets.
Ten Websites for Science Teachers | Edutopia
Ten Websites for Science Teachers
7 Strategies to Make Your Online Teaching Better | Inside Higher Ed
Having been on both sides of online learning has taught me a few lessons about how best to help students learn in an environment that provides as many challenges (if not more) as face-to-face teaching.
Skip College, Work at a Startup With Enstitute
Skip college, work at a startup. That’s the idea behind a new two-year program called Enstittue that started accepting applications Tuesday.
Educational Technology Guy: Awesome LiveBinder of Evernote Resources for Education
I'm a huge fan and user of Evernote for, well, everything. I use it for my lesson plans, lesson resources, lesson schedule, meeting notes, class notes, student notes, research, web clippings, recipes, to do lists, project management, and so much more. I share notes with colleagues and students. I can access my notes anywhere on any web enabled device. I created an Evernote for Education resource page to collect great resources and to use when I do training on using Evernote in education.
Here's How Facebook Recruits Elite Engineers
As I’ve just finished the interviewing/hiring process at Facebook, I thought it would be helpful to share some of the insights I gained, particularly for our many portfolio companies who are searching for talent.
BYOD can enhance student writing « Flexible Learning Environments
A common misconception from people in my generation or older is that BYOD is a threat to student learning; that student access to a digital device in the classroom somehow undermines the learning process. What a load of codswallop!!
OTR Links 01/23/2018 – doug — off the record OTR Links 01/23/2018 https://t.co/nJKZXGIJCa tags: via:packrati.us Sergei Eisenstein - Google Search Sergei Eisenstein https://t.co/AO6acACKzD — Doug Peterson (@dougpete) January 23, 2018 tags: IFTTT Twitter via:packrati.us Ontario minimum wage hike having ‘trickle up’ effect on paycheques of higher earners | Financial Post Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9UShared from my Google feed Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9U Shared from my Google feed — Doug Peterson (@dougpet...