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Showing posts from February, 2012

OTR Backup 03/01/2012

5 Reasons You Need to Meet in Person | No matter what industry we’re in, we’re all in the people business. We’ll only be successful if we really get to know our customers and colleagues. Many of my tech marketing clients are so busy that they now prefer texting to even emails or calls. Skype, WebEx and audio calls are convenient and create the illusion we’re actually having a meeting -- but nothing beats the power of a truly personal, face-to-face connection. tags: reasons meet person inc com Exploring Computer Science A K-12/University partnership committed to democratizing computer science. tags: programming Computer curriculum scratch science education ...

OTR Backup 02/29/2012

5 Blogging Tools to Make You More Productive Face it: There’s always too much work to do and not enough time. That’s why the time you invest in creating shareable content must be cherished, guarded and used wisely. Whether you’re a freelancer, a marketing manager or blog just for fun, managing your time will help you write quickly and more often. Productivity doesn’t come naturally to most people, though. But luckily there are tools that can help. tags: blogging tools AskGeo | Latitude and Longitude to Time Zone Conversion Web API AskGeo provides a simple, fast, and accurate Interactive Map, Web API and Java Library for finding out the time zone information for a given location (latitude and longitude). It's simple: you give latitude and longitude and the API returns the unix (Olson) time zone ID (e.g., ...

OTR Backup 02/28/2012

Apps in Education: I want my students to.....iPad Learning Objectives Sometimes we intimidate people because the lists we create are just too big. Sometime bigger is not better. Yesterday I found a perfect example of this. I came across this website on twitter via @meesterkurt. I love the idea of having the apps organised by what you want your students to do. This makes so much sense, even from the student's point of view. tags: apps education students ipad learning objectives 1,000 Education Apps Organized By Subject & Price | Edudemic TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association) to the rescue! TCEA regularly tests available apps and recommends apps that teachers should be using. TCEA maintains a list of recommended apps in a shared document via Google Doc...

OTR Backup 02/27/2012

teachingwithted / FrontPage TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds. Since then its scope has become ever broader.  TEDTalks began as a simple attempt to share what happens at TED with the world. tags: TED teaching technology Teaching Students to Effectively Use the Internet Teaching Students to Effectively Use the Internet tags: internet search content truth teaching evaluation students research internetsafety education edtech library 30 Web 2.0 Tools for Tea...

OTR Backup 02/26/2012

10 Wacky Science Project Ideas | Classroom Talk 10 Wacky Science Project Ideas - Mentos/Coke, Lava Lamp, etc. tags: science The Information Diet | Barbara Bray - Rethinking Learning All of us have used the term “Information Overload”, but is it really that? This book, The Information Diet by Clay Johnson, has a different take on how we use information. tags: information diet learning Stealth Search engine with no tracking or cookies tags: search Privacy John Seely Brown: Chief of Confusion I'm a visiting scholar at USC and the independe...

OTR Backup 02/25/2012

Navegas: Music Connect the World of Music tags: Music labs - Data Locker - AppSense The DataLocker suite, offered for free by AppSense Labs, includes native clients for Windows, Mac, iPhone, and iPad. The Windows and Mac clients are capable of encrypting and storing secure files in any local file system or cloud storage location, including Dropbox. The DataLocker iOS application stores files in Dropbox. (Additional storage options are planned in future versions of the iOS application.) tags: labs data locker cloudHQ - Basecamp, Dropbox and Google Docs Synchronize Google Docs, Dropbox, and Basecamp Replicate all your files between Google Docs and Dropbox In real time!...

OTR Backup 02/24/2012

Astronomy for Kids Astronomy for children, students, and kids of all ages., part of the KidsKnowIt Network, is the absolutely free astronomy resource designed to teach children about the exciting world of outer space. tags: astronomy science kids Google Image Search By Drawing The "Search by Image" functionality is provided by Google. Accessible via a simple URL. The canvas drawing thingie is a fork of drawingCanvas by a guy called balaclark. The Flash webcam thingie was created by taboca. tags: google search image draw Searchengine image search tool engine ...