E-learning tools and resources for schools and education - Mind Map
Mindmap of elearning resources
Ultrabooks: Four things that will make or break the category | ZDNet
A week from now you may never want to hear the word “ultrabook” again. The Consumer Electronics Show will bring non-stop ultrabook chatter to the fore. And if that’s not enough CeBit is likely to be ultrabook heavy too.
Indus Valley KS2 National Curriculum History
Primary History resources for teachers and learners
Primary Interactive - Activities and games for primary students
Interactive activities for Math, English, Science and more
Seterra | A Free Map Quiz Game
Seterra 4.0 is a challenging educational geography game with more than 100 different exercises. Learn about countries, capitals, oceans, flags and cities in Africa, Europe, South America, North America, Asia and Australia, using outline map exercises!
Scientists on Twitter - Astronomers, Biologists, and Chemists, and more - Science Pond
Scientists on Twitter
Geeky Pearltree from CES
Apps in Education: Cool Games on the iPad for Learning Maths
Maths is one of the most fundamental skills that any child needs to succeed at school and life in general. Make the learning less of a chore by implementing gaming elements into the learning process. Lots of kids chose to play these games even knowing that they are maths based. That says something about the concept on which these types of games have been developed. See if any might be suitable for your class or perhaps just for one or two struggling students.
OnLive Desktop for iPad Now Available on App Store - Mac Rumors
OnLive's virtual Windows 7 / Office app for the iPad has arrived on the App Store. As we reported earlier this week, OnLive Desktop offers iPad users access to full-featured versions of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. The applications are running on OnLive's servers and streamed to your iPad.
OnLive offers a number of plans for the service, including a Free service as server capacity is available. Paid accounts will take priority over free accounts. -
Should iPads Really Be Used For Programming?
But with so much growth happening in Apple’s ecosystem (let alone the massive Android market), some pivotal changes have occurred in the developer community. You see, mobile platforms are great, but there’s a funny disconnect in the way iOS apps are developed, and it differs from the tradition of software development that has spanned the last few decades.
How to Properly Clean All Your Gadgets Without Ruining Them
How to Properly Clean All Your Gadgets Without Ruining Them
No matter how clean a house you keep, your computers and gadgets are bound to get a little dirty here and there. Here's what you need to clean them, and how to do it without hurting them. -
Ten Years After Gates's Memo, Effects Still Being Felt | threatpost
That's a really long time. Think about what you were doing 10 years ago. Can you even remember? Maybe you were in college or high school, or cripes, even grade school. Or maybe you were working in security already, trying to figure out why your network kept getting overrun by viruses and attackers.
You know what Microsoft was doing 10 years ago? -
ICT lessons in schools are 'highly unsatisfactory', says Royal Society | Education | The Guardian
ICT lessons in schools are 'highly unsatisfactory', says Royal Society
One of the UK's most eminent scientific institutions says British schools have lost their way in teaching computer science -
Top 10 Free Online Tutoring Tools for 2012 | Edudemic
The Internet provides a wealth of resources for teachers, tutors, and students to go well beyond classroom learning. Whether you’re a teacher preparing for tomorrow’s lecture, a professional tutor working with one or two students, or you just want to help your cousin in Alabama with some trig homework, these free tools will help you interact with your student(s) sans the confines of the classroom.
The two students brought back to life on Facebook by a University of Nevada at Reno librarian have been returned to the history books for violating the social network’s terms of service.
Should Classrooms Be More Like Wikis? | Edudemic
A “wiki” approach to designing the curriculum that would allow teachers and experts to collaborate in tailoring lessons for schools is being proposed by the [British] education secretary, Michael Gove.
10 super geeky tips for 2012 (for educators, parents and kids)