Social Networking | Common Craft
This video introduces the basic ideas behind Social Networking. It focuses on the role of social networking in solving real-world problems,
Free Printable 2012 Calendar: Holiday Calendar 2012 & Blank Calendar
Big collection of free printable calendars
The Project Gutenberg E-text of Frankenstein, by Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin) Shelley
Project Gutenberg's Frankenstein, by Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin) Shelley
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with
almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or
re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included
with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.net -
The author shares findings from her action research, focusing on the question, “How can I use critique to improve the quality of student feedback, student work and create a culture of collaboration?”
EssayTagger.com - Grade Essays Faster
"Impossible!" you say? Look, we can't grade the essays for you, but we can reduce the repetitive, inefficient manual labor involved — and in doing so we open up a new world of invaluable student data.
Mobile phones open up new learning opportunities outside of traditional educational structures and practices. Powerful mobile tools—applications, handsets, tablets, device add-ons, cloud applications, etc.—already exist, with many more developed each day. These tools expand the ability to collect, collaborate, and create in myriad ways, influencing environmental studies and service, political and civic activism, history, citizen journalism, citizen science, and community volunteerism, just to name a few.
6 Ingredients for the 21st Century Classroom -- Campus Technology
Just stuffing classrooms with gadgets isn't going to result in real 21st century learning spaces. Today's institutions must design classrooms that fully support technology and foster a collaborative learning environment. Here are six ways you can transform your classrooms into next-generation learning spaces.
The Library as a Digital Learning Space -- THE Journal
Wanting to develop a media center/library that would go beyond stacks of unused books, dark study corners, and low lighting, the staff at Simsbury High School in Simsbury, CT, worked with its district superintendent to determine a new direction for the facility. Some of the key questions discussed concerned the need for a physical library in the information age, the role that books would play in the new facility, and how media literacy would be taught to students.
Photo Pin : Free Photos for Your Blog or Website via Creative Commons
Free photos for bloggers
Four Creative Commons Photo Sites You Should Know About « Ed Tech Ideas
Grabbing images from Google is one of the easiest things there is to do. You simply search, copy, paste. A no-brainer. However, when using someone else’s photos, how do you know if you have permission? Students need to be taught about copyright and how to find royalty-free images that are ok to use in projects. Below are four great sites that I use with my students.
Microsoft's Bing Eclipses Yahoo In U.S. Search For First Time
Microsoft Corp. has finally reached a long-sought and expensive goal — its Bing search engine now ranks second behind Google in the Internet's most lucrative market.
Course participants offer their ideas about ways to use these fun free tools in instructional situations and other academic applications.
6 ways to give your Mac a thorough New Year’s cleaning — Apple News, Tips and Reviews
Although it’s still winter, now is the time to do some spring cleaning on your Mac to help it run more efficient and reliably. Here are six simple steps to take that will get your Mac sparkly clean and running like new.
2011 Lesson #8 – Knowing and growing the tribe: some amazing educators | Connected Principals
Knowing and growing the tribe: some amazing educators
How Often Should I Charge My Gadget's Battery to Prolong Its Lifespan?
How Often Should I Charge My Gadget’s Battery to Prolong Its Lifespan?
Using Graphic Novels and Comics in the Classroom | Edutopia
Here are some specific strategies to ponder as you select a graphic novel or comic to read, or as you consider how students might create their own. Thinking about them will help you focus your purpose in your instruction. All of them are useful, as long as the purpose is clear to the teacher and the learner.
iClarified - Apple News - Apple Makes You Promise Not to Use iTunes to Build a Nuclear Bomb
Apple's iTunes Terms and Conditions is a huge document with a lot of rules you agree to abide by in order to use the service.
Four great OS X services you don't know about | Macworld
Once you know the basics about services, OS X’s underused shortcuts, your next question is inevitably: Where can I find more? You can add—and even create—your own services. Here are four of the best:
The Value of Teachers - NYTimes.com
Suppose your child is about to enter the fourth grade and has been assigned to an excellent teacher. Then the teacher decides to quit. What should you do?
The Value of Online and Blended Learning « Uncategorized « Education Domain: Online Learning
There is a general lack of information available when it comes to determining the costs associated with online and blended learning. Yet, at a time when all state legislatures and education agencies are wrestling with funding issues, accurate cost data is essential.
UMichigan Professor Uses iPads to Remake the Chalkboard - Mac Rumors
Apple's big education announcement may be January 19th in New York City, but that doesn't mean Apple is the only company innovating in the educational space. University of Michigan professor Perry Samson has developed an iPad app called LectureTools that Samson hopes can turn laptops and iPads from a way to distract bored students into an interactive learning tool that keeps them engaged.
SocialTech: Computer Science is not Digital Literacy
I'm a huge fan of the current wave of enthusiasm and political will to transform the way that ICT is delivered in schools. This morning at BETT, the UK's Education Secretary Micheal Gove will outline the Government's endorsement of the development of Computer Science and hopefully, a more interesting, relevant and creative computing curriculum.
Pinterest: A Tool To Curate Relevant Visual Content for Your Audience - Summify
Pinterest is a virtual pinboard where you can organize and share images and videos you discover on the web. Think of it as social network of visuals – where you can find images from other people with the same interest or use it to curate your own visual “interest space.”
Alternative.to - Power of Choice - alternative search engine
Search for alternatives to the conventional things...