"iOS 7 is Apple’s latest update to the operating system that powers mobile devices including the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. iOS is also used on the Apple TV, but this guide is specifically designed with users of mobile devices in mind."
Use Google Chrome as a Free Voice Recognition Software with Dictation
"Meet Dictation v2.0, a web-based speech recognition app that will transcribe your voice into digital text using the Chrome Speech API. You can also install Dictation as a Chrome App."
I'm at Colchester Harbour (Colchester, Ontario) http://t.co/wGaX9e5qzA
Mapping The Internet | Visual.ly Blog
"The internet is a worldwide network of computers, but it seems very intangible to most of us. In a general sense, the internet is made up of a lot of different components: Websites, users, servers, browsers, networking cables, and more. Some of these things have a physical component, and some of them do not, but even the ones that do have a physical component can be hard to conceptualize spatially. These maps help to lend that spatial component to the Internet."
What Students Say vs What Parents Think - Student Finance | Visual.ly
What Students Say vs What Parents Think http://t.co/glq9nNyJXd
The 21st Century Principal: 5 Obsolete Practices and Ways of Doing School We Need to Abandon
5 Obsolete Practices and Ways of Doing School We Need to Abandon http://t.co/Fg0lX8AjEY
The Evolution of Online Schooling Infographic | eFront Blog
The Evolution of Online Schooling Infographic http://t.co/8FVJ7II4od
The iPhone is doomed, and it always has been http://t.co/dgp3AzITrz
The iPhone is doomed, and it always has been http://t.co/dgp3AzITrz
This Is What Happens When You Teach High School Students To Code http://t.co/7Y5jfgoBQm
This Is What Happens When You Teach High School Students To Code http://t.co/7Y5jfgoBQm
How to Grab and Keep Girls’ Interest in Computer Coding | MindShift
How to Grab and Keep Girls’ Interest in Computer Coding http://t.co/kFd4e9rQbt
Reading logs aren't learning, they're obedience | @mcleod
Reading logs aren’t learning, they’re obedience http://t.co/34K4BYBDHp
Introducing Quizzes for iPad! http://t.co/gUE6KtNZK5
Introducing Quizzes for iPad! http://t.co/gUE6KtNZK5
Apple’s iOS 7 includes a surprise: a ticket to the next generation of the internet – Quartz
Apple’s iOS7 includes a surprise: a ticket to the next generation of the internet http://t.co/vhsox8xS8n
When Upgrading | doug --- off the record
Just blogged... When Upgrading http://t.co/Tm4kRGmb2b
OTR Links 09/21/2013 | doug --- off the record
Just blogged... OTR Links 09/21/2013 http://t.co/bApIs9ZnFp
OTR Links 01/23/2018 – doug — off the record OTR Links 01/23/2018 https://t.co/nJKZXGIJCa tags: via:packrati.us Sergei Eisenstein - Google Search Sergei Eisenstein https://t.co/AO6acACKzD — Doug Peterson (@dougpete) January 23, 2018 tags: IFTTT Twitter via:packrati.us Ontario minimum wage hike having ‘trickle up’ effect on paycheques of higher earners | Financial Post Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9UShared from my Google feed Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9U Shared from my Google feed — Doug Peterson (@dougpet...