Tony Vincent's Learning in Hand - Blog - Be an iPad Superstar: 8 Collections of iOS 5 Tips
Just when I think I know a lot of about Apple's iOS, someone shows me a clever feature, setting, or shortcut I've never seen before. Since Apple doesn't include a printed manual, it's up to us as iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch users to find our own ways of learning these tips. I'd like to share eight links with tips to help us get the most of our iOS devices.
6 Important Wikipedia Tools for Teachers
Wkipedia is a great educational resource for both teachers and students. Its articles appear almost always in the first four links of the search results. I know there are some issues with the use of this resource in education such as : plagiarism, trusted content and many more but still instead of excluding it all together we better learn and teach our students the best ways to use it.
Google’s head of news: Newspapers are the new Yahoo — Tech News and Analysis
Google has a somewhat tense relationship with the traditional newspaper industry, since publishers like News Corp.’s Rupert Murdoch still believe it is depriving them of revenue by “stealing” their content and aggregating it at Google News.
Cisco Blog » Blog Archive » Next Generation Education Workspaces – Join the Conversation
Virtual desktops are not new to education. Virtual workspaces are. What’s the difference?
How to Choose the Best Chart for Your Data
Numbers don't lie, but a bad chart decision makes it extremely difficult to understand what those numbers mean. Before you put together another PowerPoint presentation, make sure your pick the right type of chart to clearly communicate the information you want to share. Here's how.
20 Reasons You Should Try Out Google+ | Edudemic
There may be just 100 million users on Google+ so far, but it’s still a powerful network filled with some top-notch content.
Schools 'face talent drain' as morale of teachers dives | Education | The Observer
Poll shows thousands are thinking of quitting as former Ofsted chief warns of widespread disillusionment
Mother’s Day 2012 Google Doodle Celebrates Moms With Animated Logo - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)
Happy Mother's Day! Google’s tribute to moms in Australia, North America and other parts of the world for Mother’s Day 2012 is an animated play on their logo. On landing on the Google homepage, visitors are greeted by the second “g” in Google as the mother, with the two smallcase o’s her children.
A Request to Make the Pearson Tests Public – SchoolBook
I am the parent of an elementary school student in New York City, and even though my son is only in first grade and not yet taking statewide tests, the impact of the city and state’s testing policies are felt in his classroom.
As I started a go-to list of the best educational iPad apps for kids, the list got so long, I split up my posts into categories. So, today we’ll start with my favorite iPad apps for literacy — reading and writing for toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary-age kids.
OTR Links 01/23/2018 – doug — off the record OTR Links 01/23/2018 https://t.co/nJKZXGIJCa tags: via:packrati.us Sergei Eisenstein - Google Search Sergei Eisenstein https://t.co/AO6acACKzD — Doug Peterson (@dougpete) January 23, 2018 tags: IFTTT Twitter via:packrati.us Ontario minimum wage hike having ‘trickle up’ effect on paycheques of higher earners | Financial Post Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9UShared from my Google feed Ontario minimum wage hike having 'trickle up' effect on paycheques of higher earnershttps://t.co/x28xegyu9U Shared from my Google feed — Doug Peterson (@dougpet...