Reflection is the hallmark of many thoughtfully developed portfolios. Reflections on the products within a portfolio allow the audience to understand why these items were chosen to represent the student and his / her capacities and can provide some of the best indicators of student growth. However many students often have a difficult time thinking about their own learning when confronted by teachers to do so without guidance or support. When asked to reflect on their learning, students often don't know quite what to say or write - as much of the thinking that has gone on has been either subconscious or nonverbal.
RubiStar is a free tool to help teachers create quality rubrics.
Camera Mouse is a free program that enables you to control the mouse pointer on your computer screen just by moving your head.
Fish 'Em Up! 2 - Maggie / Scholastic
Go fishing for longer words
Alphabet shoot letter game
G-Tips by @mdowhower: Play a wav file from Google Mail using Chrome on a Mac
Google Chrome has a built in wav file player built in and you can leverage that power to play your voicemails right from your browser!
41 Benefits of an ePortfolio | Stable Transitions
Benefits of an ePortfolio . . .
TECHNOSPLODE - Tech News Headlines
All the top tech news in one techy explosion,
SocialBro App(@socialbro) in the Twitter's FollowFriday Ranking
Ranking fo the most recommended tweeps
Why grade when they can reflect? « The Spicy Learning Blog
My dilemma is that I don’t know how I should grade/evaluate them? Actually, no, that’s not the issue. The real problem I’m having is that I just don’t know why I should.
5 Ways Twitter's New Redesign Makes It More Like Sina Weibo | Tech in Asia
The twitter redesign should be automatically showing-up for many people, but if not I believe you can force it to do so by downloading the updated mobile apps whilst signed-in to Twitter’s new preview page.
Creative Uses for iPad in the Classroom
Creative Uses for iPad in the Classroom
Pope Uses Android Tablet to Light Christmas Tree [VIDEO]
Pope Benedict XVI used a Sony tablet to illuminate a Christmas tree in central Italy during a lighting ceremony Wednesday.