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Showing posts from October, 2011

OTR Backup 11/01/2011

This Week in Science and Education An internet science show for teachers and students. tags: science education odosketch | Digital Delights for Learners | Digital Delights for Learners “Sites for learning & developing creativity ” tags: learners scoop creativity Worldmapper: The world as you've never seen it before | Digital Delights for Learners | Digital Delights for Learners “Sites for learning & developing creativity ” tags: world learners scoop How to Write a Bio That Gets Read In t...

OTR Backup 10/31/2011

prefuse | interactive information visualization toolkit Prefuse is a set of software tools for creating rich interactive data visualizations. The original prefuse toolkit provides a visualization framework for the Java programming language. The prefuse flare toolkit provides visualization and animation tools for ActionScript and the Adobe Flash Player. tags: visualization java opensource graph software programming library graphics App Store - Freefall Math Freefall Math is a fun and unique way to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The app is designed for quick thinking and can be tailored for a beginner and more advanced student. tags: ma...

OTR Backup 10/30/2011

Free File Sharing - Free file serving / sharing service tags: storage filesharing cloud sharing file_sharing File almacenamiento Grant and receive favors with your social network - Favors is where founders and professionals broadcast and fulfill each other's requests for help. Requests can be as simple as a retweet or as important as an intro, and all requests are tracked to reveal who you help and who helps you the most. tags: social network favors social network New Study Reveals Student Perspective on Technology Use in Higher Education -- Campus Technology ...

OTR Backup 10/29/2011

Free teaching resources for special education Nice collection of resources - don't forget to share with parents for home use. tags: new content resources sen teacher site updates teaching Bloom's Taxonomy for 21st Century Learning | Bloom's Taxonomy for 21st Century Learning “Resources for using Bloom's Revised Taxonomy for 21st Century Learning” ***Use with some caution - just because someone else categorized something some way doesn't carve it in stone. tags: bloomstaxonomy web2.0 taxonomy bloom's blooms education bloom ipad ...

OTR Backup 10/28/2011

Halloween - LiveBinder Collection of Hallowe'en resources tags: halloween livebinder Whatfolio - Create a Homepage for Yourself, Band, Business or Portfolio in miniutes - For Web, Mobile & iPad - Beta Create a Whatfolio Add your favourite feeds and networks, add a bio, add your info and have one place to share your content from around the web. tags: web portfolio Spool Save articles and videos for later. Even offline. tags: articles videos tools mobile spool iphone web2.0 watchlater - ...

OTR Backup 10/27/2011

Cube for Teachers Blog Cube for Teachers has just been released to all Faculty of Education students across Ontario. We are the only FREE curriculum-based social bookmarking community designed exclusively for K-12 Ontario teachers! tags: cube teachers blog Crossword Premium Crossword is an online crossword puzzle game using the words and content from your list.* Make a crossword puzzle that uses content created especially for your students by entering your word list and customizing the sentences! tags: crossword language puzzle game Welcome to About World Languages The Technology Development Group (TDG) is proud to present a one-stop info...

OTR Backup 10/26/2011

A New Understanding of the Digital Divide | Edutopia As an urban teacher whose students are often lacking access to a computer and the Internet at home, I have strong opinions and experiences with the digital divide. I decided to do some research to see where my students fit into the current trends. tags: DigitalDivide edutopia Why you shouldn’t do BYOD « The Spicy Learning Blog Here are some of the real reasons you shouldn’t do BYOD: tags: spicy learning blog swissmiss | A Free, Open, Curriculum for Web Education WaSP InterACT is a community driven project that offers a free, open, curriculum for web education. Schools that teach web design struggle to keep pace ...

OTR Backup 10/25/2011

Kyoo Channels Kyoo aggregates resources from multiple sources and places them into one. tags: resources news current buzz Home Liquid Information is about giving you smoother information systems, focusing on how we interact with text. To this end we have produced the free Liquid Information Add-Ons for Web Browsers (Firefox, Chrome & Safari), Liquid Information for Web Servers and WordPress as well as a Beta for for Windows Desktop. tags: liquid information reference resource resources | The Internet, peer reviewed. will be a distributed, open-source platform for the collaborative evaluati...